Most undergraduate Food Science students complete a summer job, a part-time job, or an internship before they graduate. Although we do not require that students complete these in order to graduate, we strongly recommend them.
Many graduates of the Food Science Undergraduate Program seek employment after earning their bachelor of science degree while others continue on to graduate study.
Common careers for those with BS degrees are quality assurance, production management, public health and regulatory agency service, and technical sales and promotion.
Students with M.S. or Ph.D. degrees often pursue careers in product and process research, education or quality assurance.
Excellent advice and counseling on part time jobs, internships, and post-graduate full time jobs is available through Career and Internship Services. The University has also provided a resource for students regarding sexual harrassment in an internship.
Internships and Other Related Experience
Completing an internship or other related experience is highly recommended, however, for students entering the program in fall 2013 or later is is not required to claim credit.*
- An internship in the food and/or nutrition industry. Students will use FScN 4096 to document completion.
- Internship Credit Form .docx (FSCN 4096, 1-4 cr.)
- An Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP) research project. Students must present a copy of their final UROP report to document completion.
- A semester abroad. Student must complete a pre-departure workshop such as the intercultural development inventory and on their return must prepare a reflection paper and meet with their advisor.