April 19, 2023
Current job title: Lecturer
Current unit: Food Science and Nutrition
How long you’ve worked at CFANS, in months or years: Since fall of 2018, so almost 5 years.
Pronouns: she/her
Staff Profile
The professional accomplishment that fills me with pride so far this year is...
I proposed and developed a graduate-level course for our new MPS in dietetics program, and I’m teaching it for the first time this spring. It’s an advanced nutrition counseling course, and it’s been so fun to recruit volunteer “clients” and watch the students’ skills develop throughout the semester! -
If I won the lottery and decided to give up teaching, I would travel to visit my friends instead.
Over the past few years, I’ve had close friends move to Spain, Mexico, and Argentina, and I miss them! It’s been tough to find enough time to visit, so that would be the first thing on my list. -
My must-have smartphone apps are...
Sadly, mostly my email and hospital scheduling apps for work. I get a lot of email, and I find that I’m more likely to answer it if I do it on my phone because it feels less like work. Though the BeReal app is also important to me right now! All of my husband’s family has started to use it, including his 85-year-old mother. It’s a great way to keep up with everyone’s busy lives. -
My favorite U-related memory is...
When I was a grad student, one of my friends brought in a cot and hid it in one of the shared student offices. He created a Google calendar for it so people could reserve it if they needed a nap. I never had time to use it, but when I returned in the fall of 2018 to teach and my email was turned on again, I was still following the calendar for the “Magical Cot of Productivity.” It made me laugh out loud. -
If I could pass on any wisdom to students, I would say...
When you’re applying for jobs, make sure to ask about office culture and work-life balance. It makes a huge difference! At a couple of the places where I interviewed when I was just starting out, the dietitians didn’t take lunch breaks or get to know each other outside of their work. Working in healthcare is stressful and you need breaks and supportive coworkers!